About the client:

A large chemical manufacturer, known for its high-quality pharmaceutical compounds, faced a challenging decision. They were considering discontinuing a specialty pharmaceutical compound due to changing market demands. However, some customers still strongly desired this particular product, creating a dilemma for the manufacturer.

The situation:

The client’s manufacturing facilities were designed for large-volume commodities and dedicated small-scale specialty products. Running small-scale campaigns for this specific pharmaceutical compound in their facilities was not economically viable. Additionally, the product’s pharmaceutical nature required stringent quality control measures, both for handling and final packaging. Moreover, the distillation operation needed to be tailored to remove several close-boiling contaminants, which were crucial in the early stages of production.

The solution:

ADI proposed a solution to run smaller campaigns for the pharmaceutical compound in their specialized equipment. This approach offered the client a cost-effective way to continue producing the compound without disrupting their main operations. ADI ensured that the stringent quality control measures were met, both in handling and packaging, guaranteeing the final product’s integrity. The distillation process was customized to remove the close-boiling contaminants, ensuring that the product met the required purity standards.
The project was a success, with ADI’s solution allowing the client to continue producing the specialty pharmaceutical compound for the customers who still demanded it. The tailored approach not only preserved the product but also demonstrated ADI’s flexibility and expertise in meeting unique client needs.

ADI capabilities:

  • Expertise in running smaller campaigns efficiently
  • Stringent quality control measures
  • Tailoring distillation operations to remove contaminants
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